Reece followed everyone until they all came to a halt at a monster cavern so high and so deep, that you couldn’t see either the top or the bottom despite the brilliant lighting all throughout. Standing on one of he multiple landings that seemed endless, and wrapped all the way around the crater, Reece almost hyperventilated when she looked down and saw...nothing below her feet! She was absolutely terrified for a moment, before she remembered that when they had discovered the hollowness of the Moon, they had mentioned floors upon floors upon floors of endless clear walkways and tubes that carried one from one crater to the next using some type of transparent transportation. No one, even as of today, knew from what the clear walkways and tubes were made. Reece tapped her nails on the clear railing. It made a slight ringing noise, as if someone were tapping on glass, yet, it didn’t feel at all cold like glass did. It certainly wasn’t Plexiglas or plastic of some kind, either. Those turn cloudy with age. There wasn’t a scratch or gouge anywhere that she could see. When, she saw her nail make a tiny scratch on the railing, her mouth opened as she saw it “heal” itself right in front of her eyes. Her hand gently slid over where the gouge was, and it was absolutely clear and smooth.
“Nothing heals itself unless it’s alive,” she muttered to herself.
“That’s very true. In fact, you’ll find other amazing things if you’re here long enough,” a voice answered her mutter. Reece whirled around, startled. A young officer held up his hand.